Common Training Topics

LGBT Basics: Terminology and Legalities • How to Make Your Office or Company More Inclusive • How to Create Inclusive Policies and Procedures • How to Advertise Employment Opportunities to the LGBT Community • How to Address Current LGBT Interoffice Concerns

More About Trainings

Trainings can range from 30 minutes to entire days. Some hire me to train for an entire week! Depending on your personal goals, we'll work together to decide what is right for you! 

You may wish for me to come once and train everyone together; this is a great option for facilities with smaller staffs and large enough spaces to accommodate everyone, when the training can occur when the office is closed to customer needs! 

Others prefer to offer smaller trainings throughout the week, which tends to work better when there is a large staff and/or a space too small to train everyone simultaneously. This also helps to prevent the need to close or send customer calls to an automated system!

Some choose to have me address one specific area where they have realized their business can improve. Others choose to have me provide an overall instruction on the LGBT community, including proper terminology and dispelling myths. 

Whether your company best benefits from one-time training or consulting or something on an on-going basis, we'll work together to make a plan that fits your company's calendar, schedule, and budget!

This creates a great foundation for the company to build upon in order to learn how to market to LGBT clients, how to reach out to the LGBT community in order to recruit them for hiring purposes, and how to better serve LGBT employees!