I am available for a variety of writing projects, from managing social media accounts as your ghostwriter to adding regular content to your website's blog, from dissertation/book editing to writing forewords/afterwords if my degrees and expertise can add credence to your book's focus area. In addition, I have specialized training in writing/ editing marketing materials and curriculum for K-12 as well as at the collegiate and professional journal levels! 

I am happy to talk with you about what you need and to find a way to fit into your budget and to agree on a deadline that works for you, even if that deadline is yesterday!


Professional Writing

Click the image for a link to the publication

Zgoda, K. and Shane, K. (2018). Digital Literacy in Social Work Education: A Case Study Incorporating Technology and Social Media Within the Social Work Curriculum. Journal of Nonprofit Education and Leadership, 8(1), pp.32-40.

Zgoda, K. and Shane, K. (2018). Digital Literacy in Social Work Education: A Case Study Incorporating Technology and Social Media Within the Social Work Curriculum. Journal of Nonprofit Education and Leadership, 8(1), pp.32-40.

Zgoda, K. & Shane, K. (2018). Social justice 280 characters at a time: The role of Twitter in social action. In J. G. McNutt (Ed.), Technology, activism, + social justice (pp. 74-88). New York, NY: Oxford University Press.

Zgoda, K. & Shane, K. (2018). Social justice 280 characters at a time: The role of Twitter in social action. In J. G. McNutt (Ed.), Technology, activism, + social justice (pp. 74-88). New York, NY: Oxford University Press.

Shane, K.M. (2014). Race and Resiliency. In Hope matters: The power of social work (Ch. 33). Washington, D.C.: NASW Press.Click for link to publication.

Shane, K.M. (2014). Race and Resiliency. In Hope matters: The power of social work (Ch. 33). Washington, D.C.: NASW Press.

Click for link to publication.

Shane, K. M. (2012). Gloria's casserole: Group social work at a NORC. In Riding the mutual aid bus and other adventures in group work: A days in the lives of social workers collection. Harrisburg, Pennsylvania: White Hat Communications.Click for lin…

Shane, K. M. (2012). Gloria's casserole: Group social work at a NORC. In Riding the mutual aid bus and other adventures in group work: A days in the lives of social workers collection. Harrisburg, Pennsylvania: White Hat Communications.

Click for link to publication.

Shane, K. (2022). You Are a Badass. In R. Pope-Ruark, Unraveling Faculty Burnout: Pathways to Reckoning and Renewal. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press.

Shane, K. (2022) How Big of a Problem Is This? Education Association of America. https://eduaa.org/how-big-of-a-problem/

Shane, K. (2021-Present) Original Columnist for LGBT+ Advancing for MediaVillage. https://www.mediavillage.com/microsite/lgbt-advancing/

Shane, K. (2021). Vignette: LGBT+ Inclusion. In R. Papa and K. M. Jackson (Eds.), Artificial intelligence, human agency and the educational leader, (pp. 42-45). Springer. ISBN 978-3-030-77609-1

Shane, K. (2021). Post-Pandemic Life? It’s Not About Gettin’ Some -- It’s About Finding Someone. MediaVillage. https://www.mediavillage.com/article/post-pandemic-life-its-not-about-gettin-some-its-about-finding-someone/

Shane, K. (2021). How Publicis Groupe’s BRG Égalité Brought Pride to the World. MediaVillage. https://www.mediavillage.com/article/how-publicis-groupes-brg-egalite-brought-pride-to-the-worlde1a9/

Shane, K. (2021). Comcast Advertising Takes Pride Beyond a Logo. MediaVillage. https://www.mediavillage.com/article/comcast-advertising-takes-pride-beyond-a-logo/

Shane, K. (2021). Chappelle and Netflix: When Artistic Expression Actively Harms the Transgender Community. MediaVillage. https://www.mediavillage.com/article/chappelle-and-netflix-when-artistic-expression-actively-harms-the-transgender-community/

Shane, K. (2020) Self-Care during Covid. Mentoring Mosaic: International Council of Professors of Educational Leadership. https://www.icpel.org/mentoringmosaic/self-care-during-covid

Shane, K. (2020). The educator's guide to LGBT+ inclusion: A practical resource for K-12 teachers, administrators, and school support staff. Jessica Kingsley Publishers.

Shane, K. (2020). The impact of COVID-19 on gender minorities. The New Social Worker Magazine. https://www.socialworker.com/feature-articles/practice/impact-covid-19-gender-minorities/?fbclid=IwAR3l3GhYudWiZIN9vdBS8n5mnd-31tX7jZv6PCMyfHxg-xB-3K_fMWfslU4

Shane, K. (2020). 2019: A Year in Review. My GWork. https://www.mygwork.com/en/my-g-news/2019-a-year-in-review?mc_cid=ae644cdf86&mc_eid=8ef95a8d54

Shane, K. (2019). LGBT+ Representation on Christmas Brands Messaging. My GWork. https://www.mygwork.com/en/my-g-news/lgbt-representation-on-christmas-brands-messaging?mc_cid=f291cb42a2&mc_eid=8ef95a8d54

Shane, K. (2019). LGBT+ Mentoring. My GWork. https://www.mygwork.com/en/my-g-news/lgbt-mentoring?mc_cid=8611cbee71&mc_eid=8ef95a8d54

Zgoda, K. and Shane, K. (2018). Digital Literacy in Social Work Education: A Case Study Incorporating Technology and Social Media Within the Social Work Curriculum. Journal of Nonprofit Education and Leadership, 8(1), pp.32-40.

Zgoda, K. & Shane, K. (2018). Social justice 280 characters at a time: The role of Twitter in social action. In J. G. McNutt (Ed.), Technology, activism, + social justice (pp. 74-88). New York, NY: Oxford University Press.

Shane, K. (2018). Why Having A Website Isn’t Enough Anymore. Pink Banana Mediahttp://lgbtbiz.pinkbananamedia.com/2018/04/why-having-website-isnt-enough-anymore.html

One Theater Lover Responds to Older Broadway Actors Being Kicked From Equity-League Health Plan. (2014). Huffington Post. https://www.huffingtonpost.com/kryss-shane/one-theater-lover-respond_b_6061850.html

Shane, K.M. (2014). Race and Resiliency. In Hope matters: The power of social work (Ch. 33). Washington, D.C.: NASW Press.
*Available for purchase: https://www.naswpress.org/publications/practice/hope-matters.html

Shane, K. M. (2013, November 5). Taking a risk: Are straight allies and lgbt people ever equal to each other?. The Bilerico Project.  http://www.bilerico.com/2013/11/are_straight_allies_lgbt_people_ever_equal.php

Shane, K.M. (2013, September 3). Contributor to: THE NEW SOCIAL WORKER® Magazine's Back-to-School Guide for Social Work Students (Best of THE NEW SOCIAL WORKER). 
*Available for purchase: http://www.amazon.com/WORKER%C2%AE-Magazines--School-Students-ebook/dp/B00EZAXVJ8

Shane, K. M. (2013, June 11). Taking a risk: Are straight allies and lgbt people ever equal to each other?. Huffington Post.  http://www.huffingtonpost.com/kryss-shane/taking-a-risk_b_3416478.html 

Shane, K. M. (2013, May 18). Social workers lack necessary title protection. Yahoo!,  http://voices.yahoo.com/social-workers-lack-necessary-title-protection-12136299.html?cat=5

Shane, K. M. (2012). Gloria's casserole: Group social work at a NORC. In Riding the mutual aid bus and other adventures in group work: A days in the lives of social workers collection. Harrisburg, Pennsylvania: White Hat Communications.
*Available for purchase: http://www.amazon.com/Riding-Mutual-Other-Adventures-Group/dp/1929109334/ref=sr_1_6?ie=UTF8&qid=1368933781&sr=8-6&keywords=days+in+the+lives+of+social+workers&tag=yjtv-20

Shane, Kristen Marie (Kryss) (Spring 2012). Kryss meets career: Words Matter. The New Social Worker Magazinehttp://www.socialworker.com/digitalmag/spring2012.pdf

Shane, Kristen Marie (Kryss) (Winter 2012). Kryss meets career: Resolutions. The New Social Worker Magazinehttp://www.socialworker.com/digitalmag/winter2012.pdf

Shane, Kristen Marie (Kryss) (Fall 2011). Kryss meets career: We Share the Sky. The New Social Worker Magazinehttp://www.socialworker.com/digitalmag/fall2011.pdf

Shane, Kristen Marie (Kryss) (Summer 2011). Kryss meets career: 10 things I’ve learned in my first post-MSW job. The New Social Worker Magazinehttp://www.socialworker.com/digitalmag/summer2011.pdf

Shane, Kristen Marie (Kryss) (Spring, 2011). Kryss meets career: 10 things I learned in my job search. The New Social Worker Magazinehttp://www.socialworker.com/digitalmag/spring2011.pdf

* Chosen as The New Social Worker Magazine’s 2011 Blogger, writing weekly blogs on all things social work http://blog.socialworker.com/search/label/Kryss

Shane, Kristen (Kryss) (Spring, 2009). A different kind of teacher. The New Social Worker Magazine.   http://www.socialworker.com/digitalmag/spring2009.pdf


Professional Reviews

Click the image for a link to the publication

Shane, K.M. (Spring, 2015). Book review: Stories We've Heard, Stories We've Told. The New Social Worker Magazine.Click for link to publication.

Shane, K.M. (Spring, 2015). Book review: Stories We've Heard, Stories We've Told. The New Social Worker Magazine.

Click for link to publication.

Shane, Kristen Marie (Kryss) (Summer 2013). Book review: Will I Ever Be Good Enough? Healing the Daughters of Narcissistic Mothers. The New Social Worker Magazine.Click for link to publication.

Shane, Kristen Marie (Kryss) (Summer 2013). Book review: Will I Ever Be Good Enough? Healing the Daughters of Narcissistic Mothers. The New Social Worker Magazine.

Click for link to publication.

Shane, K. M. (Fall, 2014). Book review: Trans Bodies, Trans Selves. The New Social Worker Magazine.Click for link to publication.

Shane, K. M. (Fall, 2014). Book review: Trans Bodies, Trans Selves. The New Social Worker Magazine.

Click for link to publication.

Shane, Kristen Marie (Kryss) (Summer 2012). Book review: Transgender 101: A Simple Guide to a Complex Issue. The New Social Worker Magazine.Click for link to publication.

Shane, Kristen Marie (Kryss) (Summer 2012). Book review: Transgender 101: A Simple Guide to a Complex Issue. The New Social Worker Magazine.

Click for link to publication.

Shane, K. M. (Summer, 2014). Book review: What is Your What? The New Social Worker Magazine.Click for link to publication.

Shane, K. M. (Summer, 2014). Book review: What is Your What? The New Social Worker Magazine.

Click for link to publication.

Shane, Kristen Marie (Kryss) (Summer 2012). Book review: Lesbian and Gay Couples: Lives, Issues, and Practice. The New Social Worker Magazine.Click for link to publication.

Shane, Kristen Marie (Kryss) (Summer 2012). Book review: Lesbian and Gay Couples: Lives, Issues, and Practice. The New Social Worker Magazine.

Click for link to publication.

Shane, K. M. (Winter, 2014). Book review: Mindful-Oriented Recovery Enhancement for Addiction, Stress, and Pain. The New Social Worker Magazine.Click for link to publication.

Shane, K. M. (Winter, 2014). Book review: Mindful-Oriented Recovery Enhancement for Addiction, Stress, and Pain. The New Social Worker Magazine.

Click for link to publication.

Shane, Kristen Marie (Kryss) (Summer, 2010). Book review: Substance use disorders in lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender clients: Assessment and treatment.Click for link to publication.

Shane, Kristen Marie (Kryss) (Summer, 2010). Book review: Substance use disorders in lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender clients: Assessment and treatment.

Click for link to publication.

Reviewer: Journals for International Council of Professors of Educational Leadership.

Officially listed as a journal reviewer for the Athens Institute for Education & Research. https://www.athensjournals.gr/reviewers

Shane, K.M. (Spring, 2015). Book review: Stories We've Heard, Stories We've Told. The New Social Worker Magazine. http://www.socialworker.com/feature-articles/reviews-commentary/stories-weve-heard-stories-weve-told-book-review/

Shane, K. M. (Fall, 2014). Book review: Trans Bodies, Trans Selves. The New Social Worker Magazinehttp://www.socialworker.com/feature-articles/reviews-commentary/trans-bodies-trans-selves-book-review/

Shane, K. M. (Summer, 2014). Book review: What is Your What? The New Social Worker Magazine. http://www.socialworker.com/feature-articles/reviews-commentary/what-is-your-what/

Shane, K. M. (Winter, 2014). Book review: Mindful-Oriented Recovery Enhancement for Addiction, Stress, and Pain. The New Social Worker Magazine. http://www.mediafire.com/view/843wafcrabf3h8e/winter2014.pdf

Shane, Kristen Marie (Kryss) (Summer 2013).  Book review: Will I Ever Be Good Enough? Healing the Daughters of Narcissistic Mothers. The New Social Worker Magazine. http://www.mediafire.com/view/m9ugc0s25hdoi1x/summer2013.pdf

Shane, Kristen Marie (Kryss) (Summer 2012).  Book review: The Lives of Transgender People. The New Social Worker Magazine. http://www.socialworker.com/digitalmag/summer2012.pdf

Shane, Kristen Marie (Kryss) (Summer 2012).  Book review: Transgender 101: A Simple Guide to a Complex Issue. The New Social Worker Magazine. http://www.socialworker.com/digitalmag/summer2012.pdf

Shane, Kristen Marie (Kryss) (Summer 2012).  Book review: Lesbian and Gay Couples: Lives, Issues, and Practice. The New Social Worker Magazine. http://www.socialworker.com/digitalmag/summer2012.pdf

Shane, Kristen Marie (Kryss) (Spring 2012). Book review: Raising Abel. The New Social Worker Magazine. http://www.socialworker.com/digitalmag/spring2012.pdf

Shane, Kristen Marie (Kryss) (Summer, 2010). Book review: Substance use disorders in lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender clients: Assessment and treatment. The New Social Worker Magazine. http://www.socialworker.com/digitalmag/summer2010.pdf

Shane, Kristen Marie (Kryss) (Winter, 2009). Book review: Animal assisted brief therapy. The New Social Worker Magazine. http://www.socialworker.com/digitalmag   /winter2009.pdf

Professional Editing

Journal of Nonprofit Education and Leadership, special issue on digital technology and social media: Emerging Digital Technologies in Social Work Education: Accessible Open Access Education. (2017-Present)

Numerous PhD dissertations in various fields (2010-Present)

WikiHow (2017)

Yahoo! (2012-2014)

Huffington Post (2012-2014)